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The Roman power

Sobriety food characteristic of Roman virtus was due to a supply made mostly of vegetali.Seneca in criticizing the profligacy of manners of his contemporaries attributed the crisis of the old moral qualities to their frugality now lost, that thrift veterum which in effect is found dietary primitive when the Latins ate mostly vegetables, legumes, fruit and cereals in the form of puls, a polenta spelled flour cooked in water and salt, with the 'addition of vegetables, salted fish (or Gerres maenae) cheese and everything that you could grow and harvest. By the Etruscans with high economic possibilities came to Rome in the habit of eating a food more varied and rich in protein made up of both game that farm animals.

From the age of Augustus, with the conquest of the East and the intense commercial relations with Asia arrived in Rome other products, customs and fashions. The Roman power for some social classes are refined: the food intended as pure livelihood began in imperial times to change, even with the use of spices, taste and food culture, passed by the sheer power and seeking to 'exaltation flavors.

Speaking of Roman power must always distinguish first of all the 'era, the' social background and opportunity, because apart from those that we consider special receptions, that is very rare cases, the meals were for the most frugal and simple. In essence, the vast majority of the Romans ate normally sitting on benches (rarely on chairs) and around a table.

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